Frequently Asked Questions About Unfit Parents

During child custody cases, the courts will rule depending on the child's best interests. Therefore, the court will deny custody to an unfit parent. Your child custody attorney can help prove the other parent isn't fit to have custody of the child. Here are some frequently asked questions about unfit parents. Who Is an Unfit Parent? There's no universal definition of an unfit parent. The term "unfit parent" varies based on your jurisdiction. [Read More]

Effective Steps For Small Business Owners Addressing Frivolous Lawsuits

Owning a small business sometimes means being more exposed to lawsuits. Customers may think you don't have the means to fight back against legal claims, which can lead to frivolous lawsuits. If you take these effective steps, your small business can better manage them over the years. Don't Panic A smart tactic you can do for your small business when facing a frivolous lawsuit is to avoid panicking. That wouldn't be good because you won't be able to think clearly. [Read More]

What To Know About A Low Insurance Settlement Offer After Your Car Accident

Did you receive a settlement offer from an auto insurance company to compensate you for your injury and are surprised about how low the settlement is? Here are some things you need to know about that offer and what you can do about it. Why Insurance Companies Make Low Settlements When you are dealing with an insurance company, it's important to know that they are a for-profit business. They make their money from people paying their premiums and from paying out as little as possible when claims are made. [Read More]

How To Recover Financially After A Slip And Fall Down Icy Stairs

Navigating stairs that are outdoors during the winter can be very difficult because you are much more likely to fall down the stairs. If the stairs have been slippery for a while and the property owner has taken no steps to rectify this problem, you may have a case for why you deserve compensation after you have calculated the full extent of your injuries. Types of Injuries That Might Result [Read More]