Recalls And Car Accidents: What You Need To Know

At some point, you may receive a notification that your car has been recalled. Some recalls are minor and only require a small adjustment. In other incidents, some recalls are for serious problems that could cause your vehicle to fail and result in a car accident. If you receive a recall notice for your car, you need to get it to the dealership for an adjustment right away. You do not want this to happen. [Read More]

3 Ways A Car Accident Attorney Can Help You Prove You Suffered A Permanent Injury

If you suffer a permanent injury after a car accident, it will restrict your job as well as other additional activities for the rest of your life. So, if you're in such a situation, the degree and seriousness of your injuries matter a lot. Not just for the obvious reasons but because it can greatly impact the judgment or settlement you get. Therefore, showing that you suffered a permanent injury requires substantial evidence. [Read More]

Common Mistakes To Avoid During Divorce Mediation

Going through a divorce is never easy and for the sake of you, your spouse, and your children, you want to end the process as quickly as possible and with the least amount of drama. For many divorcing couples, mediation is a great tool that allows the couple to come to an agreement with the least amount of contention. If you are considering mediation, here are a few common mistakes you should avoid. [Read More]

Did Your Spouse File for Divorce? Do These 4 Things

Have you been caught off guard by your spouse officially filing for divorce and serving you the divorce papers, and now you don't quite know what to do? This can be a very stressful time for you, but it's important to react correctly. Here are some things that you can do as your next steps. Read the Papers Carefully and Respond The first thing that you should do is actually sit down and read the divorce papers. [Read More]