Product Liability Law For Injury Survivors

One of the most common forms of personal injury cases involves defective and dangerous products. Products can cause devastating injuries and even death, even if they are used as they are meant to be used when manufactured. If you are the victim of this kind of personal injury, you are not alone. These are some of the things you need to know. Product Liability Law Is Important Many people do not understand product liability law, which pertains to dangerous and defective products. [Read More]

3 Concerns About Alimony During A Divorce

One often-contested aspect of a divorce is the amount of money one spouse pays to the other in spousal support. These payments can be critical to helping a lower-earning spouse get back on their feet after a divorce, and there are often many questions about it. Here are some things you likely want to know about alimony payments. When Is A Spouse Awarded Alimony? A judge is going to be the one to determine if alimony should be awarded after a divorce by looking at each person's financial standings. [Read More]

Using Tortious Interference As A Justification For Litigation Against A Director

When prospective shareholders are forming an agreement, this is referred to as an "incorporation agreement" and leads to the formation of a corporation. However, there are also agreements that a corporation can enter into with a third party. When there is a breach of contract, the third-party would normally sue the corporation itself. However, there is one circumstance where the third-party can sue a director or third-party instead. The Responsibilities of Running a Corporation [Read More]

Two Ways Duty Of Care Impacts Your Personal Injury Case

In personal injury cases, courts often require plaintiffs to show defendants had a duty of care, i.e. they were obligated to prevent accidents and injuries and that they failed to do so. However, establishing this is not always simple or easy. Here's a deep dive into this issue to help you better understand it so you can make a case for compensation. You Must Show Defendant Was Obligated to Take Care [Read More]