3 Things That Can Get Your Disability Claim Denied

If you're like most people, you planned on being able to work full-time until it was time to retire. However, sometimes things happen to mess up plans that people make. For those who have medical conditions or injuries that hinder them from working like they need to, getting disability benefits can be the financial glue that holds their lives together. You have likely heard that a majority of people get denied for benefits when they first apply. [Read More]

Slip-And-Fall: First Steps For Your Case

Slip-and-fall accidents are potentially very damaging events, and if they happen on someone else's properly, you may be eligible to receive some compensation for your pain and suffering. After you have a slip-and-fall accident, follow the following steps to ensure you are as prepared as possible to show proof that the property owner was at fault for the accident. Write down what happened This is actually one of the most important things that you can do. [Read More]

Three Forms of Alimony to Which You May Be Entitled

The main purpose of alimony is to provide financial help for a spouse after a divorce. You may view it as a way of recognizing a spouse's contribution to the marriage (which includes your financial status). For this reason, most people are used to long-term payments of alimony. However, this is not the only form of alimony that you may receive. For example, you may need alimony to do the following. [Read More]

How Bankruptcy Can Help You, Even If Your Debts Can't Be Discharged

Bankruptcy is a common solution for many Americans, with more than 1,000,000 filings occurring between March 2013 and March 2014. Bankruptcy is a process that involves the writing off of certain debts. While the situations below may not be able to be written off, bankruptcy can help in an indirect way.   Student Loan Debt In extreme cases, student loan debt can be discharged when bankruptcy has been filed, but this requires extensive proof of hardship, continuance of the hardship for an extended period of time, and that you made a good faith effort to pay off your debts. [Read More]